Monday, August 25, 2008

[ Aug. 30th at Tanguisimo Classic Milonga ] Dance exhibition by Derrick & Agnes and Aug. lucky draw

* Derrick & Agnes will be giving a tango dance exhibition at Tanguisimo on August 30th. Yet another opportunity to watch their inspiring dance. The August lucky draw will take place at the same night, prizes being two entrances to the "Grand Milonga and Masters Show" of the 2008 Taipei Tango Festival, to be held on September 13th.

[ Tanguisimo Milonga, Exhibition by Derrick & Agnes and August Lucky Draw ]
Time: Aug. 30th 2008, Saturday. Milonga 8:00PM-12:00AM, show starts around 10:20 PM.
Place: Tanguisimo Tango Space (7F-4, No. 169, Sec. 4, Zhong-Xiao East Road, Taipei)
DJ: Stacy
Entrance: NT250 including one drink
Tel: 02-27791136

Picture: Derrick & Agnes July 2005 at the National Experimental Theatre performing for "Black Box - Buenos Aires"
Photo by: Julian Shen