David Chiu has been dancing for 16 years. He is an inspirational, innovative and cutting edge tango instructor. His students get immediate results in a fun and nurturing learning environment. His style combines classic elegance with nuevo in close embrace. He will teach advanced and intermediate classes at Tanguisimo on April 8 and 10. Do not miss them!
Time: 4/8 (Thur) 8:30-10:00 PM
Class: Advanced
Instructors: David Chiu & Stacy Jou
Content: Dynamic & Off Axis Ganchos
Ganchos are one of the most dynamic movements in tango, especially when we are doing a gancho while we are off axis. Both Ladies & Men will learn how to produce head turning ganchos and when to receive the ganchos.
Time: 4/10 (Sat) 5:00-6:30 PM
Class: Intermediate
Content:Tango Nuevo-Colgadas with Full Turns
Colgadas are gravity defying single axis turns that capture our imagination. Ladies will learn how to hang away from the men and enjoy the feeling of defying gravity. Men will learn how to instill trust from the ladies to achieve weightlessness while turning 360 degrees.