Tanguisimo is two years old! Do not miss the events we have prepared for the celebration.
Sat. April 24: Milonga with exhibition by the teachers of Tanguisimo Tango Space.
Sun. April 25: 1st Annual Exhibition with free beginners session and milonga.
Tell your parents, bring your friends! Introduce them to the exciting tango life you are enjoying at the moment!
Tanguisimo 2nd Anniversary Milonga
Time: Sat. April 24 8:00PM-1:00AM
Place: Tanguisimo Tango Space (7F-4, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Rd., Taipei)
Content: Dancing performance by the teachers of Tanguisimo. Performance starts at 10:30PM.
Entrance: NT300 including drinks. Pay at the door.
Tanguisimo 1st Annual Exhibition "SueƱo de Juventud"
Time: Sun. April 25 2:00-8:00PM
Place: Huashan 1914 Creative Park M3
Content: Annual exhibition by students of Tanguisimo, free beginners session, milonga (tango party).
Entrance: NT400 for early birds / NT500 at the door.
Ticket Office: Tanguisimo Tango Space (7F-4, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Rd., Taipei)
Queries: (02) 2779 1136
2:00-2:20 Doors open
2:20-3:00 Free beginners session
3:00-3:30 Milonga Part I
3:30-4:40 Annual Exhibition
5:20 Awards
4:40-8:00 Milonga Part II