Thursday, February 10, 2011

2/25 Tanguísimo Cultural Talk

Juan D’Arienzo Orchestra pulled back the people to the dance floor back in the middle thirties, therefore opening the Golden Era of tango in the forties along with many other orchestras. Getting acquainted with D’Arienzo’s music is essential to enjoy a good milonga night!

Talker: Daniel Liu
Theme: "About the music of D’Arienzo (1935-1943)"
Time: Friday Feb. 25th 8:00-9:30 (includes 15 min. break)
Place: Tanguísimo Tango Space (7F-4, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Rd., Taipei.)
Entrance: NT200 including drinks and snacks.
** Register by Feb. 23rd and get a CD for free.
Note: The talk will be given in Chinese.
1.A little talk about the history
6.How to listen to tango music from a dancer’s perspective.
7.Q & A