Tuesday, May 10, 2011

【Tango Series for Small Space and Crowded Milongas 】

Teachers: Felipe y Sandra
Dates: 5/31, 6/07, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28.
Time: Tuesdays at 8:30-10:00 pm
Place: Tanguismo Tango Space
Tuition Fee: NT450 per lesson. You can also use your Tanguisimo enrollment card.

5/31 Man/Woman Technnique: revising and enhancing your tango technique.
6/07 Ocho Cortado: one of the most frequently used step.
6/14 Reverse: enrich your dance by using "reverses".
6/21 Adorno: use embellishments in the dance for subtle and sweet talks.
6/28 Cadencia: paint your tango with color.

Register at: Tanguísimo Tango Space
Tel: (02) 2779-1136
Address: 7F-4, No.169, Sec.4, Zhongxiao East Rd., Taipei.